Tuesday’s AlphaISM Show feat. …

Tuesday’s AlphaISM Show feat. DNyce can be downloaded here: http://t.co/3E6z9AfT The previous AlphaISM Special will be available soon.






4 responses to “Tuesday’s AlphaISM Show feat. …”

  1. SHOGUN Avatar

    Dope son, dope. Thanks Bunk!

  2. SHOGUN Avatar

    It’s been a bit quiet here on the western front.

  3. ben Avatar

    Have loved the show for a long time but…
    “Justin is probably making 6 digits from gaming”
    If he was, he wouldn’t be working a side job too :/

  4. fightinggamesonline Avatar

    On what DNYCE said about the signing of the joystick thing. For one thing, why do you care so much?! If an individual regards someone as incredibly gifted person, someone worth looking up to, or even emulating, there is nothing wrong with that. True enough people like Justin Wong aren’t big superstars like Micheal Jordan but like Mike they are good at what they do and some people just happened to be INSPIRED by that shit. I know I’ve felt very inspired by a lot of you guys on streams cause I want to obtain those same skills so there is nothing wrong with having someone I regard as a good player sign my shit.

    It could be for encouragement it could be for a collection what does it matter to you why so serious son!!!. As the say in life you never know it only take one moment on the whole the next thing you know shit is big. So a Daigo signed joystick could possibly become a collectors item one day. I can I agree there is not need to ride dick but there can be a respect.

    I’m sure for those who put justin or daigo on a high pedestal there are just as many man who do the same and want to beat that ass. At the end of the day forgive the rant brah your entitled to your opinion.

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