Bunkei’s Corner Episode 57 is now available for download: http://t.co/DKXUE7GX
Bunkei’s Corner Episode 57 is …
29 responses to “Bunkei’s Corner Episode 57 is …”
That was quick. Thanks for the good show everyone.
Will there be another AlphaISM Radio episode any time soon? Keep up the good work I listen to your shows all the time at work.
Strider was also a heavily requested character from the fighting game community. I think that Capcom does listen to the community but only to the extent that it helps them get the easy sale. Its likely that the netcode still won’t be fixed in Ultimate Marvel 3 because that requires a lot of technical work and research on their part. If there was an update to Marvel 3 that only fixed the netcode and didn’t introduce anything else I still think a lot of people would be very happy with that.
Thanks for uploading, Bunk!
It was pretty hard listening to you talk about mvc2,especially knowing you guys dont know what you are talking about and how sentinel, magneto, storm and cable render every useless. There are plenty of unknown players that plays everyone in the roster on the same level as top tier. I’ve seen it. To bad a horrible scrub friendly game like mvc3 is taking up all the attention, especially with everyone knowing how scrub friendly the game is.
lol at you guys saying mvc2 was horrible, when it was and still is the hypest game and the most technical game. Mvc3 will never be remembered and won’t be played a decade from now…oh wait… that didn’t even last 5 months. my bad,
That’s not what I said; I said that Sentinel renders most of the cast useless.
And if MvC3 is so scrub friendly, how come we don’t see scrubs winning the majors? The last time I looked it’s still the same killers we’ve seen before.
I don’t argue that MvC2 was hype; but i do argue that it is absolutely horrible in terms of balance. However, it wasn’t just hype that kept MvC2 going for 10 years, it was also the fact that there was no sequel until now.
In fact, there was supposed to be some kind of MvC2 exhibition at Season’s Beatings, but no one wanted to play–top players and non-top players alike. Suffice to say, MvC2 is dead; even Yipes said as such.
Damn I’m beat, I never laughed so Hard! thanks bunkei for another great episode, but UMVC3 fuckin cash cow. capcom getting greedy yo! and whats up with SF X Tek the game looking ASS son! gem dese nuts son!
“And if MvC3 is so scrub friendly, how come we don’t see scrubs winning the majors? The last time I looked it’s still the same killers we’ve seen before.”
Easy, because people that never even touch or was never good at any vs game can executed and compete on the same level. OGs been playing vs games and practicing there ass off with the older vs games for over a decade. Yet, automatically someone that never touch a vs game in their life can instantly do these so called “advance combos”. Fuck that.
It’s this simple…. the people that are winning majors are the ones that actually care for the game because of the money (top players) or newcomers finally can fell that they can yell “its marvel baby” yet can’t even do a simple combo in mvc2,mvc1, xvsf, etc…. or you got others individuals that are capable of winning tournaments, but they don’t touch mvc3 & truly don’t give a damn about the game.
I understand your frustration with people not respecting the newcomers coming up in these easy mode fighters., but seriously that see shouldn’t be respected on the level of older fighters, not one bit.
fuck it ill say it, mvc3/sf4 is like the type games where you can lose to female or getting perfect or mvc3/sf4 cd falls in shit and the person can easy go “lol” and truly not give a damn because of what the game is in the first place.
Sorry, but for the people that are not sheep “winning or losing” and mvc3 is like “winning or losing a penny” that’s the games worth towards the people you speak against.
oh yea, even scrubs that were terrible at mvc2/sft2 even say mvc3/sf4 are easymode. I seriously hope you don’t think Im making this up, you are in for a rude awakening.
I just don’t think that because a game is easy to get into that it automatically means that it lacks depth and/or strategy.
Plus, you didn’t really answer my question; You said:
“Easy, because people that never even touch or was never good at any vs game can executed and compete on the same level. OGs been playing vs games and practicing there ass off with the older vs games for over a decade. Yet, automatically someone that never touch a vs game in their life can instantly do these so called “advance combosâ€. Fuck that.”
Well if they’re able to compete on the same level, then we should be seeing scrubs win majors (which I haven’t). Not to mention that just because a player is able to pull off advanced combos doesn’t mean make them a good player. In MvC3, it seems that be able to do (and avoid) mixups is paramount.
And really, the argument about newcomers not being able to compete in older games is irrelevant. If the new games are that much easier to master, then that would be a massive advantage for the OGs would it not?
Lastly, you can’t assume that they just because they’re good at a game you perceive as “easy mode” doesn’t mean they couldn’t achieve similar success with older games. That’s an assumption that is both unprovable and moot, since most of those older games are dead in the current fighting scene.
“Well if they’re able to compete on the same level, then we should be seeing scrubs win majors (which I haven’t).”
well, top players have more tournament experice on the scrubs, so that also plays a part.
“Not to mention that just because a player is able to pull off advanced combos doesn’t mean make them a good player. In MvC3, it seems that be able to do (and avoid) mixups is paramount.”
That’s true, but having no true execution and doing these old dial doesn’t make them even a decent player. So, please stop bringing up the fact that people not respecting that shit is wrong, because it’s not. Sure they could be good at older games, but that won’t be automatic. It’s comes to having effort and dedication. Sorry, but if I was a new comer and I learned mvc3/sf4 as my first competitive FG’s, I would still acknowledge and understand that my game shouldn’t or even be respected on the same level as fighters the required. true skill.
I’ll break it down.
the fighting game community today is pussyfied nowadays. It’s not like the old days where players are at each other necks(from a competitive perspective,especially against the necks of top players. It’s just a bunch of dickriding fanboys. If its a known player “gamers are riding his dick” / if capcom fucks up, which is like 99% of the time “gamers think capcom can do no wrong”…… With that in mind, gamers today will except anything from capcom nowadays. It’s gotten to the point where capcom even mention they want the game to be casual friendly. How many times do capcom have to say that they want to cater to the majority and build the game around the idea gamers can pick up the controller and play/execute. Yet, the good old fg community is on the denial fanboy shit. It’s almost worst then the smash community. Lol funny, because I always hear from different people that mvc3 is the smash bros of the vs series. Which makes sense.
not only that but its crazy how players are going crazy when someone makes a comeback in mvc3, and the crowd goes wild considering the fact that …huh….. well, the game has comeback mechanics AND!!!!! basic combos that your little 5 year old do within 5 minutes that does more then enough damage.
Even the resets in this game is scrub friendly. In previous marvel games you actually have to setup up and fool your opponent with a reset, because you only have a brief second to fellow up with something, because recovery in mvc2 is instant, unlike mvc3 when the opponent recovers it’s slow as hell, and considering if the opponent recovers near/on the ground they recover actually at the jump height, which is another giveme reset that capcom gave scrubs.
plus in mvc3 the character just lays on the ground like a dumb ass…. oh yea it’s easier for the opponent to fellow up with a damaging generic combo. Wouldn’t want people to roll out.
Why are there combovideos for mvc3?
I can keep going on and on, because this game is so bad, but the only reason why people play it is the fact that is easy/new/scrub friendly/ people capcom fanboys.
MVC3 is just visual diarrhea. Sparks/flashes/supers that last long/pretty lights .etc.
Bunkei it’s okay to be a fan, but please dude STOP ignoring the facts. I think I might have to come on the air one day to shut this delusional think down. Seriously.
If you really want a show, how about getting a
mvc2 head (that knows there shit) vs a mvc3 head.
same for sf2 vs sf4. so on…
I would say bring flash on for GG vs BB, but he’s one of the biggest sheep there is. He’s on that “srk front page…feel good type shit” just like the majority of top players. Of course Justin wong, and Evo is in capcom back pocket, I wouldn’t be surprise and I’m 99% sure other of other top players are also.
but if you want facts make a fair/true debate agaisnt :
mvc2 vs mvc3 heads
sf2 vs sf4
so on….or else the whole show is going to sound like capcom fanboys that’s on that “srk front page feel good shit…capcom can never do any wrong” type shit.
this is in your defense.
In other news, the dude that refuses to come on because he’s got his own thing now wouldn’t happen to be Skisonic would he? Because it’s been a long while 😀
I say you get Viscant back on to break down the differences of MvC2 and MvC3 as a follow up to the History of MvC2 episodes.
Or if you can, how about some of the local Seattle players like Rodolfo or Rattana or the new-ish transient, Buktooth, to see how they’ve been acclimating to MvC3. Or just the Seattle scene in general. How it was back in the day compared to now.
Thought it would be interesting since you never really ever hear about anything fighting game related coming out of the NW from the perspective of the NW. Always seems to be about SoCal (for obvious reasons) a little bit of NorCal as far as West Coast goes, but never really anything from the Seattle players themselves with the exception of Jason Cole of course. NWMajors is coming up pretty soon.
I dunno, just a thought.
peewee … you’re certainly welcome to come on the show anytime you’d like. I’d like for you to personally explain what ‘facts’ I’m ignoring.
Shogun: I don’t have any really tight friendships with any of the MvC2 heads in Seattle, sorry man.
The idea of comparing MvC2 to MvC3 with Viscant is something to look into. I’ll keep you informed.
Viscant is not a good choice, because he’s going to compared and contrast even the obscurer things, just to put mvc3 on the same playing field as mvc2. Because he likes mvc3. Plus, one person is not a debate. You need to completely different mindsets. Fine, he played mvc2, but he’s a mvc3 player now, so his opinions are not going to be anything but on some feel good shit, and how flawless the game is. It’s just going to turn into a fanboy argument all over again.
You’re best choice is a pro that continues to play mvc2 for he’s reasons vs someone who dislikes/think mvc3 is on the same playing field.
There are plenty of pros in the mvc2 thread and plenty of options.
Pistol Starr
mvc2 roundhouse
Charlie Goblyn
so on…do a true debate. Like the old alphaism back in the day. munki vs triforce type shit. 2 completely different mindsets.
Mvc2 player that doesn’t play mvc3 or like it in anyone will bring more to the debate then someone that plays mvc3 but played mvc2 back then. I thought the whole fanboyis shit I’ve been hearing on the radio lately was “why aren’t people moving on.?” Well, let’s hear from them.
2 mvc2 heads vs mvc3 heads would be even better, but whatever. At least consider it. I’ll post up in the mvc2 thread to get some mvc2 debaters. thats cool with you bunk?
mvc2 thread
oh yea i forgot to mention preppy would be a good one also.
Yeah, Preppy there you go. He’s a Seattle guy you keep in touch with right?
I’m not interested in debating MvC2 vs MvC3. Like it or not, MvC2 is dead (as evidenced by the cancellation of the MvC2 invitational that was supposed to happen at SBV). There’s nothing to be gained from such a debate.
Preppy is hardly online and is a very busy man, so I’m not willing to bother him.
Peewee: I’d gladly talk about MvC3 from a competitive standpoint, so let me know know when you want to come on and I’ll set it up.
It interesting because MvC2 is one of the most respected fighting games competitively but it is also one of the most extreme fighting games in terms of balance. I’m not gonna get into the Marvel debate because like Bunk said it’s pointless and it will only lead to insults and disses from both sides. I will say this tho’, MvC2 at the end of the day, it was very hard if not damn near impossible to justify your chances of winning if you didn’t play Magneto, Storm, or Sentinel.
Going back on SFxT I’m gonna use your CvS2 example. Obviously the main systems are different, CvS2 a much slower, footsie-based game and SFxT is looking like a faster footsie game with jab/short canceling into whatever. The main difference is Cvs2 has one main system and six mechanics (grooves) that each player had access to one at a time. With SFxT both players have access to the main system and ten different mechanics at once. One would say that the mechanics look unpolished but we won’t know until March.
I understand why people are skeptical about it tho.
“MvC2 at the end of the day, it was very hard if not damn near impossible to justify your chances of winning if you didn’t play Magneto, Storm, or Sentinel.”
fact is expert mags,storms,sentinel were hard to beat, but not impossible to beat, and it depends on the low-mid player.
decent or good mags,storms, sentinels are either easy or on the same playing field against low-mid players. That’s fact.
too many people keep saying that, yet they think infinite/resets/tiers will give them match automatically. Sorry no.
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