Surprise AlphaISM Podcast with MrWizard now available for download!

Hey everyone,

About 11 p.m. PST on Friday night, MrWizard from SRK asked me if I like to do a live show announcing the last game for Evolution 2010’s lineup. Of course, I’d love to; as you know, the last slot was not predetermined, but rather it was put up to a vote. Surprisingly, Melty Blood won! This 4-hour podcast features myself, Wizard, Keits, fubarduck and other Melty Blood players as they attempt to explain why Melty Blood won, and why is the game gaining such popularity despite not having a stateside release. It’s another hilarious show with some of everything: comedy, knowledge-dropping, interviews, etc. GREAT show!

P.S. I apologize for falling asleep 😛

Part 1

Part 2

Note: You must download both parts before you can extract. If you don’t have the software to extract the files, try WinRaR.






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